I. Pre-instructional Materials THESE FOLLOW IN POSTS
A. Parent Teacher letter
B. Video waiver form
C. Proper communication and acquisition of approval for project with relevant administrators, teachers, parents and support staff. Due to the nature of my relationship with Lincoln Middle School, this is being conducted on the phone.
II. Instruments for Small Group Evaluations
A. Pre/Post Test Questionnaire for measuring behavioral growth and conceptual growth also known as a reactional evaluation and a learning evaluation. Assesses the level of knowledge gained by learner as well as measuring behavioral changes learner has experienced.
B. Small Group Evaluation: this evaluation measures reactions to each segment of the video/field trip portion of the experience.
III. Materials Needed for Actualization of1. CROP (Collegiate Reach Out Program) VAN: CROP has a 14 person van used for transporting children from middle schools to the University for their CROP program. I have worked for and spoken with the Director of CROP (Bobby Welch) for access to this van.
2. ALLIANCE VAN: The alliance van has similar access for use by Faculty and their staff, for transportation. Vicky Vallence is the Director of Alliance. they have a 8 person van for use by UF members.
3. VIDEO EQUIPMENT: The University's College of Education provides labtops, cameras, video recording equipment, microphones, cases, lights, editing software and hardware for use by any student.
4. ACCESS TO UF FACILITIES: The Reitz Union, the recreation center, the Gyms and Computer Rooms will be contacted on field trip days in case any special arrangments need to be made. Also: the University's Main Colleges will be contacted in the events that they may provide tours and/or other unique opportunities for our learners.
5. ACCESS TO STUDENTS: Contact with local middle schools will be a priority in order to garner support for this endeavor. Lincoln Middle School will be our model school and we shall expand from there.
This video will be shown in a wide array of classrooms, lecture halls, auditoriums offices and non-formal settings with an even wider diversity of physical, social and resource elements. One thing can be said of all of these various locations and their resources: educators, parents and children recognize that they are not enough. Our educational facilities, particularly for placed at risk youth, are inadequate, a factor that will not impede dissemination of this video, as most facilities do have a T.V. in each classroom, if not in the media center.
One setting that will be constant will be that of the University of Florida. Hopefully, as a part of any college field trip, the students visiting can get a different feel for the University through this video presentation, hopefully, before touring the campus themselves (as it may prove energizing and comforting). The material resources at the University easily outdo those of any high school found within Alachua County.
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